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5 minutes with NOBHUHLE MAHLASELA aka MIMI.

Writer: salifemagsalifemag

She’s bold, fierce and not afraid to be herself. TV Actress Nobuhle Mahlasela, is one of SA Life magazine’s favourite local Actresses and we got to know the Boss lady a bit better.

Check it out now...

Describe yourself in 5 words? 

Funny, Spontaneous, Crazy in a fun way, Passionate and I'm a Perfectionist.

What was your childhood like? 

My childhood was fairly okay no fireworks really, I grew up on my maternal side of the family because my mother and dad broke up when I was about 6/7. I come from a family of teachers so we were all expected to be teachers growing up and when I told my Grandmother and mother that I want to be an Actress they were very doubtful but eventually they came around.

When did you first discover a love for the entertainment industry? 

It was during a school play in primary school - I was playing a role of a teacher and when I was on stage and looked at the audience I just had a feeling then that I want to do this for the rest of my life

Who are you when you’re simply at home, on a Sunday afternoon? 

I'm so chilled when I'm at home cause I get to spend time with my loved ones - I cook Sunday lunch and then just relax with the family and catch up.

Who do you admire within the South African entertainment industry, and why?  

I admire a few people there isn't one that just stands out - Nthati Moshesh, Mam'Lilian Dube, Salamina Mosese, Lerato Mvelase, Siyabonga Thwala & Aubrey Poo just to name a few - I admire their work ethic,professionalism and dedication.

How do you deal with negative criticism? 

I simply just block it out - I act ignorant to it cause it won't get me anywhere in life.

Who is your role model and why? 

My mother - because she made raising her children as a single parent look like a breeze and because she 's always taught  not to judge a book by it's cover - and she is a hard worker she doesn't stop until she's reached her goal.

Where’s the most interesting place you have travelled to and why?  

Lesotho - I've never seen such beauty the mountains are so majestic.

What motto or words do you live by? 

"Unless you puke, faint or die, keep going!" Jillian Michaels that's my motto!

We all know that the media doesn’t always get all their info correct, what is the strangest thing you have read about yourself that wasn’t true?

Na, nothing haha.

You have a growing following on social media! What is the most memorable tweet you have received, or been tagged in?

I really must say that it's been a real surprise the reaction I'm getting on social media and to know that I inspire others in a positive way is a bonus. I've had a girl tell me that she was close to committing suicide cause she is a plus size girl and she's being bullied at school but that all changed for her when she started following me on Instagram. This really hit home for me as I too attempted suicide at a younger age cause of my weight and other personal issues.

Everybody starts their working careers off small, what was your very first job?

It was for an Absa Commercial - I played a receptionist and I was paid R750 before tax.

The entertainment industry is a tough industry to break into. What encouraging words do you have for anyone starting out? 

To never give up on breaking those doors to enter and even if you have a small role give all that you have so that you leave the Directors and Producers so impressed that they will remember you for their upcoming projects. Be on time and professional at all times cause that speaks volumes in this industry.

In your line of work, you get to meet a wide variety of people. Who was your most memorable?

Sthandiwe Kgoroge - she's got such a beautiful soul and dope energy.

I am sure you have encountered a few fans along the way, what has been your favourite fan encounter?  

My favourite fan encounter was when i met a young man that called me by my first name and surname and proceeded to tell me how much he loves my work - I though that was pretty impressive.

Did you always see yourself in the entertainment industry, or did you have different dreams as a child?

I always saw myself in the entertainment industry - I never really had other dreams as a kid.

What has been your most challenging decision in your career thus far? What made it so challenging?

Just contractual decisions.

Everyone harbours a pet peeve. What is yours? 

LOL! People coming to visit me when it rains - I don't like wet feet on my floors. Also people that just jump into a conversation that I'm not having with them.

Final Question. If you could choose any superhero to play on a big budget Hollywood production, who would you play?

Wonder woman.

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